Oral bacteria which is not removed daily with a good brushing and flossing routine can lead to inflammation of the gum tissue–or gingivitis. If this bacteria is left in the mouth, it creates toxins that irritate sensitive gum tissue, which you might notice because it can cause your gums to swell and bleed when you brush and floss. You can also feel the sticky film it creates on your teeth. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease, and can easily be treated by stepping up your brushing and flossing routine, and using an antibacterial mouthwash can also help to reduce bacteria. Not only can mouthwash kill bacteria which cause plaque, but it also helps remove food particles.
The next stage in gum disease is known as periodontitis. You may notice pockets developing in the gum tissue below the gumline, where food particles and plaque can accumulate. At this stage of the disease the bones and fibers holding your teeth in place become damaged. The gum tissue in these pockets become infected and continue to be broken down and destroyed. Left unchecked, and as the fibers and bone diminish, the teeth become loose and will eventually fall out if there is no intervention.
To prevent gum disease, you will need to brush and floss every day and tend to your oral hygiene. A professional dental cleaning will remove hardened plaque (tartar) above and below the gumline. If you stay on track with regular six month dental checkups and cleanings, gum disease can be detected early and treated.
If you would like to schedule a visit with Dr. John Orlando or Dr. Christopher Spelmanto help restore your healthy smile, please call our Orlando Family Dentistry, LLC team in Hopewell, New Jersey at 609-466-1332 today!