At Orlando Family Dentistry, the dental practice of Dr. Spelman and Dr. Orlando in Hopewell, New Jersey, we are excited to help optimize your smile for summer! A a typical teeth cleaning appointment with our team you will receive a professional teeth cleaning, fluoride, a dental exam, and possible X-rays, as needed.
Why is six months the recommended time period for dental cleanings? During a six-month period, tartar build up will require a professional dental cleaning to remove it. If this tartar buildup is left untreated, the bacteria from plaque will release toxins into the gums and bones, causing them to dissolve and loosening the teeth. This is also known as periodontitis.
The six-month dental cleaning schedule was created for the “average” person in mind, which typically means:
— Middle-aged
— Doesn’t eat a lot of sweets
— Brushes their teeth at least twice each day
— Doesn’t smoke
Some people, however, may need to go more often for a dental cleaning. In fact, if you fall into the following categories, you may be more susceptible to damage from oral bacteria and may need to come in more often:
— Diet is high in sugary foods and drinks
— Older
— Have dry mouth
— Have periodontal disease
Dr. Spelman and Dr. Orlando find that regular dental cleanings and exams are the perfect complement to daily at-home oral care when it comes to maintaining a healthy smile for our patients in Hopewell, New Jersey and the neighboring communities. So, if you are ready to refresh your confident smile with a professional cleaning, please call our Orlando Family Dentistry team at 609-466-1332 today!