Do you know what you might do if you’re dealing with a dental emergency? Still, do you know what emergencies should be dealt with right away or what you might need to include in an at home dental kit? Of course, it’s important that you call our dentist as soon as possible but there are a few things you might do to be prepared.
Would you be surprised to hear that losing a tooth is actually an emergency? If you lose your tooth, or if one of your pearly whites is dislodged, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our dentist. If you’re able to visit our team fast enough, we could save your tooth. Naturally, you’ll need to bring your tooth to our office if we’re able to save it. We recommend putting the tooth in milk and not handling the tooth by its root.
Similarly, after a tooth breaks, we suggest visiting us as soon as you can. If your tooth breaks, please collect as many pieces as you can find. A chipped tooth is also fairly serious, but not as serious as a fractured tooth. Still, if you chip a tooth, we recommend saving the chipped tooth and setting up an appointment with us as soon as possible.
Finally, if you’d like to be prepared for an emergency, please keep gauze, and a container with a lid, and a cold compress on hand. If you’re interested in hearing more about preparing for a dental emergency in Hopewell, New Jersey, we invite you to give Orlando Family Dentistry, LLC a call at 609-466-1332. Our dentist, Dr. Christopher M. Spelman, and our team look forward to meeting with you.