Do you wish to constantly maintain a fresh and pristine breath and keep bad breath at bay? If so, our Orlando Family Dentistry, LLC dental team has some good news for you! There are things you can do on a regular basis to keep your breath in tip-top shape, which will help you avoid embarrassing and awkward social moments.
The first thing you can do is keep oral hygiene tools handy. If you keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your backpack, purse, or work desk, it’s easy to brush your teeth and eliminate bad breath whenever you need to. It’s best to brush your teeth after each time you eat because it will help you clean the foul-smelling germs and bacteria from your mouth. Don’t forget to clean your tongue after you are done scrubbing your smile.
The second thing you need to do is use a tongue scraper. Tongue scrapers are small, handy tools that you can keep with you throughout the day. When you use it, the scraper will glide along the surface of your tongue and eliminate the bad-smelling film and bacteria that are giving you the bad breath you hate so much.
The last thing you need to do is chew gum regularly. However, did you know sugary gum can cause tooth decay? Well, it’s true, which is why it’s encouraged to improve your breath with sugarless gum.
For more information, tips, and details about how to combat bad breath in Hopewell, New Jersey, please don’t forget to call our office at 609-466-1332. Dr. Spelman and Dr. Orlando have the tips you need to reach your oral health and smile goals, so please don’t hesitate to give our office a call. We look forward to helping you!