Realize your fantasy of a full smile with dental bridge tooth replacement treatments. Dental bridges are fashioned to be easily placed in your mouth in areas where you have missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental bridges are permanent fittings in your mouth that will not run the risk of falling out, which can lead to embarrassing situations.
If you do suffer an oral accident that has left your smile requiring a dental replacement, our wonderful team can aid you. With dental bridges, we can repair your smile to a level of satisfaction that can skyrocket your self-esteem and return your oral health to its peak.
Dental bridges work by directly bonding to nearby and neighboring teeth in your mouth. The bridge can be fitted, adjusted, and designed to sit comfortably in the spaces left behind by a missing tooth, or in some instances, missing teeth. Unlike dental implants, dental bridges do not need to be installed directly into your jaw. With an ideal amount of care and attention, dental bridges can last anywhere from a decade up to an entire lifetime.
If you would like to schedule an exam for your dental bridges at Orlando Family Dentistry, LLC or would like a comprehensive oral exam from Dr. Christopher M. Spelman and our team at our dentist office in Hopewell, New Jersey, please give us a call at 609-466-1332. We look forward to upgrading your smile!